Hemp use dates back to the Stone Age and is one of the earliest domesticated plants known. Long before the Industrial Revolution it was grown and used widely, especially owing to its strength and rapid growth rate.
It is a natural, non-toxic, soft but durable fibre with excellent moisture absorption. The fibre, seed and oil are used for food, clothing, fuel, paper, rope, fishing bait and even hemp plastic…The list is endless!
During World War II Hemp was promoted as a necessary crop to win the war. Hence HEMP for Victory!
Now legally known in the European Union as “True Hemp”, 100% Natural Hemp is a truly earth-friendly plant!
Once regarded as an oldskool hippy fabric, hemp clothing now finally thanks to planetary necessity, education and creative design is fast becoming highly fashionable and desirable!
Hemp fibres retain and maintain dyes and colours wonderfully and have the additional benefit of keeping you cool in the summer and warmer in winter. It’s an environmental and economic wonder… Love Hemp!
Another ancient, naturally fast growing and sustainable plant, which is rain fed and pesticide free. Historically utilized in ayurveda, textiles, paper and construction, as well as countless other industries.
Bamboo fabric has a soft luxurious feel, maintains it’s antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties and does not retain odours.
Heralded as the new wonder in sustainable fashion, with the benefits of keeping you cool and dry. Bamboo is an ideal, breathable and comfortable material for use in eco-fashion!
Optimistically, a greater interest in bamboo will lead to more bamboo forests being planted, resulting in more oxygen for the planet… Do Bamboo!
Soy fabric is an eco-friendly fabric that’s sustainable and produced from renewable and biodegradable resources.
It consists of by-products left over from the production of tofu, soy oil and other soybean foods.
These are then processed to remove soy proteins, which are spun into soy fibre. It blends well with other fibres such as cotton and is similar to silk in look and feel, although less prone to wrinkle and crease.
Soy fabric allows perspiration to evaporate and is cool and comfortable in hot weather. This exceptionally versatile fabric is easy to wash and care for using cold water, is fast drying and requires no ironing. 100% biodegradable… Go Soy!
Saves land, water and energy! In comparison to conventional cotton recycled/reclaimed cotton reduces costs at all levels.
Recycled cotton is made up of recovered cotton from conventional cotton processing that would otherwise end up as waste in landfills.
Additionally, there are no harsh chemicals used in the processing method of recycled cotton. Therefore, recycling saves the environment from vast amounts of waste water and toxic products. Which are unfortunately yet commonly used in clothing manufacture.
Apparently, in ancient Egypt, only the high priest was allowed to wear cotton!
Nowadays, cotton is the world’s most popular and manufactured fabric. Although, did you know that conventional cotton is the most pesticide dependent crop in the world making it harsh on humans and the environment.
Conventional cotton production results in countless carbon emissions at each stage of processing… Plant to fibre, fibre to cloth, cloth to garment, not forgetting the overall environmental and economic transport costs.
The ever growing change to recycled cotton begins with you, the customer.
So, just spread the word… Recycling will benefit You, Me and the Globe… Recycling Rocks!
Organic cotton, basically means non-genetically modified cotton. Finally returning to original, natural and biologically sound methods of cotton production!
Organically grown cotton, which is synthetic pesticide free, results in less damage and destruction to the farmer, environment and all of us!
Miraculously, a process of re-educating farming communities, buyers and consumers around the world, regarding the financial motives of Big Business versus sustainability at all levels is underway.
Many countries are now, and thankfully once again, successfully growing organic cotton. The change is coming… Don’t Panic, Go Organic!